Celebrate with Me! (Gift for you)

November is the month of my birth. I used to downplay its importance. I didn't tell anyone about my birthday unless they asked. I didn't want to bother people, be seen as egotistical, or take up too much space. Yet, I've always loved to celebrate other people's birthdays. I like it when they take up space on their special day! Clearly, I had some limiting beliefs about my self-worth.

Now that I hold fewer of those beliefs (though I am still a work in progress), I've embraced my birthday. I tell everyone when it is. I celebrate all month long. I recognize that it is a wonderful opportunity to receive love.

Let the celebration begin!

One of the things that brings me great joy is to offer gifts that genuinely help people. Sooo... this month I'm going to send you a gift every week. My hope is that at least one will improve your life.

The first gift is a little book of holiday recipes - with a healthful twist. It is a collaborative project with my friend and colleague, Carrie Weldy, of Nourished Body and Soul. These are our favorite dishes to cook up for Thanksgiving. They are simple, and delicious. I would love to hear what you try, and how you like it. Leave a comment below and click on the image to download your copy!